Ashitaka watching San & the wolves


This page is the first one from the Pictures'gallery. Lets click here to accede to:

The second page of the gallery

The pictures I suggest here are exctracted from the VideoCD, that's why the quality is not always great.
However those pictures are really beautiful (that's not very difficult with this movie!) and in particular the panoramics'pictures piece together, they've been stuck back together.
The pictures are classified by categories: Ashitaka and San / The Shishi Gami / The Kodamas / Others / Panoramics . Except panoramas, their size is always between 40 and 65 Ko for a resolution of 700*350.
For the panoramics ones, you have to position the cursor on the icon corresponding to know the resolution and the size before to download.


  • Ashitaka & San


  • Shishi Gami


  • The Kodamas

    2080*350 - 142 Ko


  • Miscellanous...

    1036*350 - 90 Ko


  • Panoramic pictures

    695*2037!! - 276 Ko 2308*346 - 188 Ko 1878*344 - 141 Ko 1794*174 - 76 Ko 2182*345 - 123 Ko 1232*237 - 90 Ko 704*1092 - 119 Ko
    698*808 - 83 Ko


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